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How can you contribute to AIDTR?

Fill out the same survey that we're featured in the book: What advice have you received? What was the biggest problem you faced? Preview the questions over there -->

Or, Tweet or Post with hashtag #IAmDoingThisRight

Q1: Best advice

What was the best advice you received in your career, and at what time during your career did you receive it (early, mid, late career)?

Q2: Best development tool

What was the best career development tool/aid you found in your career?

Advanced degree/classroom
On the job experiences

Q3: Biggest problem

What was the biggest problem you ever faced in your career, and how did you resolve it?

Q4: Looking back

Looking back, would you change anything as far as your career decisions are concerned? If so, what would you have changed and why?
Am I Doing This Right - Book
Tony D Thelen
Matthew C Mitchell
Jeffrey A Kappen

Contact us

We'd love to hear from you. To send questions or comments, or to inquire about availability for speaking, please use the form below.

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